tisdag 9 december 2014


Här nedan följer delar av hans artikel. Ett judefritt Europa är tydligen målet för Europas ledare. Nu är det araberna som vill ha hjälp av Europa att rensa världen på judar och få bort Israel från kartan. Förra gången var det Hitler.

Leicester city council is controlled by Britain’s main opposition party, Labor. Leicester is also the UK’s 10th largest city. That is why what happened there a few days ago will have serious consequences all over England and Europe.
Leicester just became in fact the first
Western city to ban Israeli goods from its territory and jurisdiction. Even the Nazis, in their initial boycott of Jews, didn't go so far as to cleanse a city of any Jewish goods. 

All over Europe, universities are promoting the boycott of Israeli professors. In Spain, a governmental academic program excluded the Israeli academics from Ariel University in Samaria. It happened in the socialist, modern Spain, not during the Spanish Inquisition

This is Europe: while it is becoming an Israel-free zone, it is trying to divide up the land of Israel, to squeeze the Jews into the coastal ghetto and to finally build a Jüdenrein Middle East.

Given the unquestioning surrender of Europeans, Arabs always ask a lot and gain a lot. Always defeated by the Israelis and feeling unable to win on the battlefield, the Arabs are now aiming to buy the complicity of a continent, my Europe, which increasingly shows signs of selfish and cowardly senility

1938, 1973, 2014: it is time again for Europe's betrayal of the Jewish people. 

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